What is Verbal Abuse?

Curious or Confused About What Verbal Abuse Actually Is? Or How to Effectively Handle Verbal Abuse if it's Happening to You? 

Read this three part series on how to define verbal abuse and how to take an adult time-out.


Defining Verbal (and Emotional) Abuse

Elizabeth Nyblade, Ph.D. Any behavior that threatens intimidates, lowers the victim's self-esteem, or curtails the victim's freedom is abusive. Dr. Nyblade defines and discusses verbal and emotional abuse..


PART I: Why Take An Adult Timeout

Elizabeth Nyblade, Ph.D.A time-out for adults is meant to be an effective response to verbal or emotional abuse.


PART II: When Not to Take an Adult Time-out

Elizabeth Nyblade, Ph.D.Learn when NOT to take an Adult time-out when the only problem is you aren't getting your way.


PART III: How to Take An Adult Timeout

Elizabeth Nyblade, PhD. Learn when it is appropriate to take an Adult time-out in order to distance you from the abuser, and when it is appropriate to stay and continue the conversation.